Residential pricing

Are you struggling to refresh the pricing of existing products in a timely manner? Do you have uncompetitive or unprofitable tariffs remaining on sale for longer than desired? Is your organization suffering from lengthy, costly, or constrained product development and/or limited insight into margins and product performance? Time to think about getting Gorilla!

visual consumer behaviour

Capture changing consumer behaviour

There has been a big shift in consumer behaviour, driven partly by new technologies but also by a once-in-a-generation shake-up of the way people live, work, and as a result consume energy.

Gorilla allows you to capture this behavioural change by generating supplier-specific profiles for varying customer classifications with smart metering, elective half-hourly metering, and for a variety of uses like EV, solar generation, etc…
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Create products tailored to consumer needs

A range of prosumer product offerings for the households who produce and consume energy or a simple fair pricing offering for the mass market. What will be the domestic product structure of the future?

Gorilla offers out-of-the-box formulas to cost any UK gas or electricity customer/meter type with support for both bottom-up and top-down pricing. All of which can be freely configured in a drag & drop interface to create a product for each consumer niche easily.

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Integrated & automated

There are multiple sales channels: price comparison websites, collective switching services, direct customers, renewals, …

Gorilla helps you service all these channels in an easy way. To also minimize the time spend on cleaning and prepping the data Gorilla can also automate all cost integrations so your people can focus on creating innovative products rather than copying over data and managing excel files.



Quickly measure product performance & margins

To make sure you will win in the long run Gorilla offers additional product valuations, customer lifetime value, and NPV calculations to allow you to gain insights on your expected performance beforehand and track the effectiveness of your product over time. Using variables like time horizon, attrition rates, discount factors, payback/assessment periods, and future GM assumptions.

Insightful pricing for a changing world

shield-icon Capture changing consumer behaviour
shield-icon Create products tailored to consumer needs
shield-icon Measure product performance & margins

What our customers say

The extremely talented, flexible, and effective team at gorilla have been key in implementing our new p&q solution. their product is class-leading and offers great flexibility over anything else on the market, allowing our business to deliver new offerings to our customers.
Iain O’Neill
Head of Innovation  - Corona Energy
In an increasingly volatile market, the increased agility and efficiencies gorilla provides, help ScottishPower to continue leading the way in providing greener energy choices that meet customers’ needs.
Helen Fairlie
Head of UK Business Planning & Development  - ScottishPower

See what Gorilla can do for you

Tell us a little about yourself and we'll connect you with a Gorilla expert who can show you how Gorilla can enable data processing in your business functions and answer any questions you have.