Case Studies & Whitepapers

Gorilla Shell Energy case study cover mockup-frontview
Case study Shell Energy

Leave legacy IT systems behind to meet customers’ changing needs

  • How the domestic energy market is becoming increasingly dynamic

  • How legacy IT systems hinder you to react swiftly to those changes

  • How Shell Energy took on that challenge, using Gorilla’s raw calculation power

Case Study British Gas

How British Gas managed to shorten quote lead times by a 1000x 

  • How time-to-quote impacts your competitiveness

  • Why you should focus on streamlining your operations

  • What we did to get results in only 4 Months


Why B2B utilities should embrace technology to win.

  • What global trends impact utilities

  • How data is becoming your biggest resource

  • How to use data to grow your organisation

What our customers say

“In an increasingly volatile market, the increased agility and efficiencies Gorilla provides, help ScottishPower to continue leading the way in providing greener energy choices that meet customers’ needs.”
Helen Fairlie
Head of UK Business Planning & Development  - ScottishPower
“The extremely talented, flexible, and effective team at Gorilla have been key in implementing our new P&Q solution. Their product is class-leading and offers great flexibility over anything else on the market, allowing our business to deliver new offerings to our customers.”
Iain O'Neill
Head of Innovation  - Corona Energy